a woman benefits from meditation therapy for addiction

3 Benefits of Meditation for Addiction Recovery

Added ByThe Willows at Red Oak RecoveryThe Willows at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamPublished: June 15, 2021Updated: June 22, 2021One of the overlooked aspects of addiction recovery is the increased mental health aspects. Meditation therapy is one of the most utilized but least understood tools available. How it works is less important than the…

a woman learns about dual diagnosis treatment

What to Expect During Dual Diagnosis Treatment

Added ByThe Willows at Red Oak RecoveryThe Willows at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamPublished: June 10, 2021Updated: June 22, 2021A dual diagnosis occurs when both a mental health disorder and substance abuse problem co-occur. People often self-medicate when dealing with mental health issues which then exacerbates the initial complication. The Willows at Red Oak…

a woman benefits from womens trauma treatment

Benefits of Working Through Past Traumas

Added ByThe Willows at Red Oak RecoveryThe Willows at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamPublished: June 5, 2021Updated: June 22, 2021One of the best methods of addressing one’s current situation is to revisit past traumas. Trauma is stored in both the body and the mind. How these physical and psychological ordeals combine to manifest themselves…

a woman struggles with painkiller addiction

Signs You Are Addicted to Painkillers

Added ByThe Willows at Red Oak RecoveryThe Willows at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamPublished: June 2, 2021Updated: June 22, 2021Doctor-prescribed painkillers are an effective tool in treating short-term pain and discomfort associated with many conditions. But when used for more than the recommended time, they can begin to take over the user’s ability to…

a woman is able to join in on sober activities

Sober Activities for Memorial Day Weekend

Added ByThe Willows at Red Oak RecoveryThe Willows at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamPublished: May 31, 2021Updated: May 13, 2021Many recovering alcoholics find themselves dealing with temptation and risk a relapse when it comes to celebrating the holidays. With drinking being such a socially acceptable activity, it works its way into many holidays, most…

woman thinking what is a relapse prevention plan

What Is a Relapse Prevention Plan?

Added ByThe Willows at Red Oak RecoveryThe Willows at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamPublished: May 5, 2021Updated: May 13, 2021Relapse is sometimes a part of the recovery process from drug and alcohol addiction. However, the goal of any treatment center is to prevent that from occurring. One way to do that is to create…

a woman is happy to have mental health awareness

Importance of Mental Health Awareness Month

Added ByThe Willows at Red Oak RecoveryThe Willows at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamPublished: May 1, 2021Updated: June 11, 2021Each May, those that struggle with mental health issues and their loved ones hope to bring awareness to mental health during Mental Health Awareness Month. Whether they have just finished at a dual diagnosis treatment…

two women look up treatment for ptsd and substance use

Getting Treatment for PTSD and Substance Use

Added ByThe Willows at Red Oak RecoveryThe Willows at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamPublished: April 20, 2021Updated: April 27, 2021There are many reasons why a person might choose to use drugs or alcohol. People often turn to them for social occasions, pain relief, experimentation, rebellion, boredom, or self-medication. In any one of these situations,…

two women learn about rational emotive therapy

What Is Rational Emotive Therapy?

Added ByThe Willows at Red Oak RecoveryThe Willows at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamPublished: April 15, 2021Updated: April 27, 2021There are many options to choose from when it comes to getting treatment for a substance use disorder. Sometimes, medication is a part of the recovery process. Other times, different therapy strategies are necessary. No…

a woman struggles with opioid addiction

Commonly Addictive Opioids

Added ByThe Willows at Red Oak RecoveryThe Willows at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamPublished: April 10, 2021Updated: April 27, 2021Opioid use has become an epidemic in America. Millions of Americans abuse prescription opioids and substances like heroin each year. Thousands of people die each year from opioid overdoses, which comprise almost half of the…