If you have a loved one who has been affected by heroin abuse, you understand how devastating this drug can be. Understanding what heroin is will help you recognize signs of a problem. The following material will also help you gain insight into the reasons a professional heroin addiction treatment program for women is so important. Reach out to learn more about our substance abuse treatment programs.

What is Heroin?

woman in need of a heroin addiction treatment program for womenIf you’re researching a proper heroin addiction treatment program for women, you may know someone affected by this damaging drug. However, it’s important to understand what heroin is. Heroin is an illegal substance that falls into the opioid class of drugs. It has a powerful effect on brain chemistry that can lead to intense feelings of pleasure for the user. However, opioids are highly addictive. Getting help from a heroin addiction treatment program is often the only way that a person can regain control of his or her opiate addiction.

Detecting a Problem with Heroin Abuse

Getting help from a heroin addiction treatment program for women also involves knowing the signs of a possible problem. Pay careful attention to the presence of any of the following clues of heroin abuse:

Track Marks

Those who are abusing heroin often have odd marks on their skin where they inject the drug. Be aware of strange skin bumps, marks, or bruises that are unexplained.

Mood and Behavioral Changes

Someone who is abusing heroin might suffer from mood swings that persist or worsen. They may also start to engage in behaviors that are uncharacteristic.

Differences in Appearance

Changes in appearance that can occur with heroin abuse include dark undereye circles, poor cleanliness habits, weight loss, and similar issues.

Missing Valuable Items

If a person cannot afford to keep buying heroin, they may be tempted to steal to obtain more of the drug. Be aware of missing valuables or money.

Inability to Perform Vital Tasks

Those affected by heroin will probably not be able to maintain their usual daily schedule. They may not be able to work a steady job, care for their children, or maintain their home properly.

Other signs of a serious problem are also possible, but this list provides several issues to be aware of. If you recognize any of the signs listed above, it’s essential to ask for help from a heroin addiction treatment program.

Facets of a Heroin Addiction Treatment Program for Women

No two people are alike when it comes to substance abuse treatment. For this reason, treatment centers always use a wide variety of approaches to deal with each individual case. Professional treatment might include family or community programs, psychotherapy, medication, behavioral modification tools, and several other therapeutic avenues.

Getting the Right Professional Assistance at The Willows

Do you feel overwhelmed when looking for a heroin addiction treatment program for women? If so, you’re not alone. When many heroin addiction treatment program centers exist, it can be confusing to know how to select the right one. It might help to make a list of your current problems to discuss with each facility.

Finding the right drug rehab for women in North Carolina doesn’t have to be a challenge. The Willows is a high-quality addiction treatment center in Fairview, NC. The compassionate treatment team at The Willows focuses on providing for the unique needs of women in the rehab process. By offering treatment in a women-only setting, each individual can get the intimate care they need during this difficult time.

Don’t let another day of suffering pass you by. Find your heroin addiction treatment program at The Willows at Red Oak Recovery today. Call now at 855-773-0614 to learn about The Willows and how our addiction therapy services can help you find lasting recovery.