individual participating in a drug rehab for women

Drug Rehab For Women

Added ByThe Willows at Red Oak RecoveryThe Willows at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamPublished: May 18, 2018Updated: March 3, 2022Women face many distinct challenges when it comes to getting the right treatment for substance abuse. Since women may begin abusing addictive substances for very different reasons than men, they can require a gender-specific approach…

drug rehab centers in nc are for recovery

Characteristics of Reliable Drug Rehab Centers in NC

Added ByThe Willows at Red Oak RecoveryThe Willows at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamPublished: May 1, 2018Updated: April 2, 2020Tackling drug dependency requires professional support, but finding a reliable and reputable drug rehab program can be challenging. While there are plenty of programs out there, narrowing down the options might be overwhelming. Not all…

an example of success with women in recovery

Women in Recovery: Tips for Success

Added ByThe Willows at Red Oak RecoveryThe Willows at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamPublished: April 5, 2018Updated: March 19, 2020Women and men experience addiction at nearly equal rates. But did you know women in recovery experience their own set of unique challenges?Women and AddictionWomen often begin using addictive substances for very different reasons than…