Woman sits on couch and talks to therapist about physical trauma she endured

Understanding Physical Trauma

Added ByThe Willows at Red Oak RecoveryThe Willows at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamPublished: July 6, 2024Updated: July 25, 2024A strong connection exists between experiencing physical trauma and developing a substance use disorder. However, people are frequently quick to dismiss substance use disorders as people simply having a lack of willpower or being morally…

Women put their heads together as they discover the benefits of group therapy activities

3 Benefits of Group Therapy Activities

Added ByThe Willows at Red Oak RecoveryThe Willows at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamPublished: June 30, 2024Updated: July 25, 2024Being part of a group can offer additional emotional support and positivity that individual therapy techniques can sometimes struggle to capture. This is the main reason why group therapy activities are commonly prescribed aspects of…

Woman leans back, pondering the main signs of cocaine addiction

Signs of Cocaine Addiction

Added ByThe Willows at Red Oak RecoveryThe Willows at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamPublished: February 26, 2024Updated: March 5, 2024Cocaine use can take over a person’s life.  Due to its addictive nature, it is important to recognize the signs of cocaine addiction. Call our women’s cocaine addiction treatment at 855.773.0614 today. The Willows at…

Woman sits on couch and practices coping skills for substance abuse triggers she learned in rehab

Coping Skills for Substance Abuse Triggers

Added ByThe Willows at Red Oak RecoveryThe Willows at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamPublished: December 9, 2023Updated: January 18, 2024The Willows at Red Oak Recovery® in Asheville, North Carolina, proudly provides comprehensive and compassionate treatment for women living with addiction, mental health disorders, or both. Our team teaches coping skills for women so they…

Woman sits on couch and ponders sex addiction therapy

Sex Addiction Therapy Program in North Carolina

Added ByThe Willows at Red Oak RecoveryThe Willows at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamPublished: June 12, 2023Updated: July 2, 2024When people hear the word “addiction,” they often think of people who are dependent on heroin, methamphetamine, and other hard drugs. However, the reality is that it is possible to develop a dependency on any…

The different eating disorders involve problems with healthy eating, as signified by the measuring tape on a blue dinner plate

What Are the Different Types of Eating Disorders?

Added ByThe Willows at Red Oak RecoveryThe Willows at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamPublished: May 26, 2023Updated: April 27, 2023Many women today struggle with body image issues and accepting their appearance. The media often portrays unrealistic beauty and weight standards that are unattainable for many. It is not uncommon for someone to resort to…

Two women talking about disordered eating treatment benefits

What Are the Benefits of Disordered Eating Treatment?

Added ByThe Willows at Red Oak RecoveryThe Willows at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamPublished: May 19, 2023Updated: April 27, 2023An eating disorder is a mental health condition characterized by an unhealthy relationship to food and eating. They can impact people of any age, race, gender identity, size, and sexual orientation. However, eating disorders tend…

Client sits on couch, talking to therapist as she learns about the benefits of dbt

Benefits of Dialectical Behavior Therapy

Added ByThe Willows at Red Oak RecoveryThe Willows at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamPublished: March 9, 2023Updated: February 28, 2023Viable coping methods are hard to come by. Between the surplus of self-help books released each year and all the products marketed as “embodying the pinnacle of health and wellness,” it’s easy to feel overwhelmed.…