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4 Signs of Low Self-Esteem

Experience clinician-run addiction treatment at Red Oak Recovery® in the pristine Blue Ridge Mountains

4 Signs of Low Self-Esteem

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When you suffer from low self-esteem, everyone else’s comfort feels more important than your own. As a result, it is tough to do simple tasks such as setting healthy boundaries and declining things you don’t want to do. There are many signs of low self-esteem, but oddly, most people who struggle with this issue don’t even realize they have it. If you have begun drinking or using substances to battle low self-esteem, please reach out to The Willows at Red Oak today at 855.773.0614 for treatment.

1. Self-Esteem and Personal Boundaries

People with good self-esteem have no trouble setting healthy boundaries. They find it easy to decline invitations that make them uncomfortable. Likewise, they know where to draw lines in the sand and what to do when people cross them. However, setting boundaries feels strange if you don’t place enough value on yourself and your own wants and needs. You may feel as though you should never say no. These feelings can lead to over-extending yourself and letting others take advantage of your good nature. Similarly, you may feel unworthy of love or happiness. Accordingly, this can lead you to become involved in unhealthy relationships marked by abuse or domestic violence.

2. Why People-Pleasing Is a Sign of Low Self-Esteem

People-pleasing is another sign of low self-esteem. If you don’t place value on yourself, it isn’t easy to believe that others can love you. As a result, you may go out of your way and far out of your comfort zone to make others happy. For example, you may be the first one to volunteer for overtime at work to please your boss. Likewise, you might be the one everyone in your family turns to when they need money. You may not want to spend that extra time at work, and you may not have money to spare. But saying no feels wrong, somehow.

Doing what others want you to do when you don’t want to do it is a common symptom of low self-esteem.

3. Low Self-Esteem and Personal Neglect

Others who struggle with self-esteem may neglect their most basic needs because these needs were never met in childhood. For instance, you may not have enough pairs of underwear to see you through the week. Alternatively, you may not own a winter coat. Maybe you only have one pair of shoes and rarely buy the brand of shampoo you really like.

You don’t consciously refuse yourself these comfort items. Instead, it just never crosses your mind that you should have them. Your needs aren’t important. Therefore, there’s no reason to fulfill them.

4. The Link Between Eating Disorders and Low Self-Esteem

A poor body image is another indicator of low self-esteem. Thin clients may see themselves as fat. Similarly, others may eat unhealthy amounts of food, causing rapid weight gain. Both may cause, or be the result of, eating disorders that circle back around to how a client views herself.

Seek Treatment at The Willows at Red Oak Recovery

The Willows at Red Oak Recovery is a drug and alcohol addiction and mental health treatment center for young women ages 18 to 30. If you or a woman you love struggles with substance use disorder, mental wellness, or low self-esteem, our treatment programs offer excellence in care.

Staffed by experienced and highly trained clinicians, The Willows at Red Oak Recovery will help you learn how to love and value yourself as much as you love others. As a client in our 90-day treatment program, you’ll discover that what you want and need matters. Consequently, you’ll learn how to reach out and claim the love and attention you need from others in ways that are appropriate and healthy for everyone involved.

Contact The Willows at Red Oak Recovery by visiting us online or calling 855.773.0614. We’re here to help. Reach out today for help with addiction and mental wellness.