Yoga for depression

Yoga for Depression and Anxiety in Women

Added ByThe Willows at Red Oak RecoveryThe Willows at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamPublished: August 22, 2022Updated: August 8, 2022There are a variety of approaches to treating depression and anxiety, including evidence-based therapies, medication, and self-care practices. Yoga is one self-care practice that can be extremely beneficial for women struggling with mood disorders. This…

a woman works on her mental health resolutions for 2022

4 Mental Health Resolutions for the New Year

Added ByThe Willows at Red Oak RecoveryThe Willows at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamAuthored ByWesley CulpepperWesley Culpepper read morePublished: December 29, 2021Updated: December 29, 2021Have you made your New Year’s resolutions? Why not make good mental health practices top on your list? By actively working to improve your mood and care for your mental…

a woman avoids anxiety triggers on thanksgiving

Avoiding Anxiety Triggers on Thanksgiving

Added ByThe Willows at Red Oak RecoveryThe Willows at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamAuthored ByWesley CulpepperWesley Culpepper read morePublished: November 25, 2021Updated: November 19, 2021Thanksgiving is a time to gather and celebrate with family and loved ones. In theory, it allows people to reflect on what they are grateful for while enjoying some good…

a woman finds help in her depression treatment centers

Coping Skills You Learn in Depression Treatment

Added ByThe Willows at Red Oak RecoveryThe Willows at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamPublished: August 24, 2021Updated: August 13, 2021When suffering from depression, it seems like there is no way out, and therein lies one of the main obstacles to combating it. The longer you isolate yourself from family and friends, the heavier the…

ptsd in women is an issue being discussed in therapy

Medical Complications in Women from PTSD

Added ByThe Willows at Red Oak RecoveryThe Willows at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamPublished: July 16, 2021Updated: July 14, 2021The media often talks about post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in returning combat veterans, which they portray as a group made up mostly of men. However, women can also develop PTSD, even if they haven’t served…

womens anxiety is a disorder that requires treatment

When to Seek Help for Anxiety

Added ByThe Willows at Red Oak RecoveryThe Willows at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamPublished: June 30, 2021Updated: August 18, 2022Women tend to experience anxiety in greater numbers than men, and their symptoms are different. The numbers of women with anxiety are at twice the rate of men. The specific psychiatric disorders that fall under…

a pair recognizes that eating disorder support is important

How to Support Someone with an Eating Disorder

Added ByThe Willows at Red Oak RecoveryThe Willows at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamPublished: June 20, 2021Updated: June 22, 2021Not everyone who recognizes that they have a problem is willing to take that all-important first step in seeking treatment. Many times they think that they can deal with the situation on their own. When…

a woman benefits from meditation therapy for addiction

3 Benefits of Meditation for Addiction Recovery

Added ByThe Willows at Red Oak RecoveryThe Willows at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamPublished: June 15, 2021Updated: June 22, 2021One of the overlooked aspects of addiction recovery is the increased mental health aspects. Meditation therapy is one of the most utilized but least understood tools available. How it works is less important than the…

a woman learns about dual diagnosis treatment

What to Expect During Dual Diagnosis Treatment

Added ByThe Willows at Red Oak RecoveryThe Willows at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamPublished: June 10, 2021Updated: June 22, 2021A dual diagnosis occurs when both a mental health disorder and substance abuse problem co-occur. People often self-medicate when dealing with mental health issues which then exacerbates the initial complication. The Willows at Red Oak…

a woman benefits from womens trauma treatment

Benefits of Working Through Past Traumas

Added ByThe Willows at Red Oak RecoveryThe Willows at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamPublished: June 5, 2021Updated: June 22, 2021One of the best methods of addressing one’s current situation is to revisit past traumas. Trauma is stored in both the body and the mind. How these physical and psychological ordeals combine to manifest themselves…