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What Is Clinical Depression?

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It’s normal for people to feel depressed from time to time. When depression starts to affect how they live, though, they may suffer from clinical depression. However, what is clinical depression? Also, what is the relationship between depression and substance abuse? Will you need a dual diagnosis treatment center in Asheville, NC?

What Is Clinical Depression?

To understand an explanation of clinical depression, people have to know that depression ranges in severity. Some people suffer from mild depression, while others might struggle with persistent depression on a daily basis. Clinical depression is one of the highest levels of severity.

When people want to know what is clinical depression, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) can explain. The DSM-5 lists two primary types of clinical depression, which are major depressive disorder and the depressive phase of bipolar disorder.

Only doctors can diagnose people with clinical depression. They typically use the DSM-5 to check for symptoms and characteristics that generally occur with the disorder. Using this information, they can tell people if they have clinical depression or another condition.

What Causes Clinical Depression?

When people look for an explanation of clinical depression, it’s often hard to find information about the cause. The reason is that various events and chemical imbalances can trigger depression. Sometimes, a trigger for clinical depression in one person might just cause mild depression in another.

In general, the brain can deal with a certain level of travesty and loss. For some people, though, the brain doesn’t cope with these emotions in a healthy way. Instead, it experiences a never-ending cycle of torment. When this happens, mild depression eventually evolves into an entirely different beast.

For example, consider when people are sad and upset when loved ones pass away. It’s normal for people to feel depressed about such tragic losses. In most cases, though, they push past the loss and return to their normal lives. Not everyone can do this, so their depression develops into clinical depression.

The Link Between Clinical Depression and Substance Abuse

Unfortunately, clinical depression is a bigger problem than some people know. In fact, few people seek help at the depression treatment center that they need to overcome it. Instead, they may self-medicate in an attempt to cover up the symptoms.

Of course, self-medication doesn’t solve the root cause of depression. As a result, people continue to abuse substances to get the relief that they crave. Eventually, this level of abuse gives way to addiction. Since women are more likely than men to suffer from depression, this is a growing concern among them.

Get Help Overcoming Clinical Depression

Clinical depression in women doesn’t just go away on its own. Thankfully, The Willows is a dual diagnosis treatment center in Asheville, NC. We help women understand what is clinical depression and overcome substance abuse. A few of the programs that we offer include:

Don’t let your depression keep you from living a happy life. Learn more about what is clinical depression. Let us help you with clinical depression and substance abuse when you call 855.773.0614.