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Do You Understand the Difference Between Opiate Vs Opioid?

Experience clinician-run addiction treatment at Red Oak Recovery® in the pristine Blue Ridge Mountains
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With the drug epidemic constantly in the news, many people may wonder about common terms that frequently appear in the news headlines. While these terms may seem interchangeable, there are actually subtle differences between opiate vs opioid. Unfortunately, both types of drugs share commonalities like being addictive and having harmful side effects. If someone has an addiction to these drugs, help is available.

The Difference Between Opiate Vs Opioid

While there are similarities between the two drug classifications, opiate vs opioid technically refers to different things. An opiate is a kind of drug that occurs naturally within the opium plant. Scientists also call these chemicals opium alkaloids.

Within the opium plant, there are more than 20 opiates. Only six of these opiates actually occur in significant amounts, and just four of the opiates have a medical purpose. These four chemicals are thebaine, morphine, papaverine, and codeine.

Morphine and codeine are common opiates, but thebaine is also a popular drug. This drug is normally turned into medications like Vicodin and Percocet after technicians transform it into different chemicals.

Meanwhile, opioids are actually human-made drugs. Chemically, they are quite similar to opiates. The only difference is that opiates occur naturally, but humans make opioids.

Some of the most famous opioids are meperidine, fentanyl, and methadone. There are also semi-synthetic opioids that consist of natural opiates, which scientists then turn into human-made chemicals. These semi-synthetic opioids include drugs like hydrocodone and oxycodone. Heroin is made through boiling acetic anhydride and morphine, which makes it a semi-synthetic opioid.

Are Opiates and Opioids Addictive?

When people take opiate vs opioid drugs, they have to be extremely careful. Even when someone follows their prescription exactly, both of these drug types can be addictive. They can also cause overdose deaths and severe side effects in people who use them.

Because of their addictive qualities, these drugs receive strict regulations and warnings. If someone does develop an addiction, there are many places they can go to for help. Drug addiction treatment helps individuals work through their addiction and begin the recovery process.

Dealing With Opiate Vs Opioid Addictions

While painkiller addictions are prevalent, finding help is not always easy. Before someone can get substance abuse treatment, they have to recognize that they have a problem. More importantly, they have to commit to their sobriety and be ready to work for it. It might not be simple, but the right support can make becoming sober a little easier.

In an opiate addiction treatment program for women, clients can find options such as:

We treat a variety of opioid and opiate addictions, including:

You do not have to suffer from your addiction forever. At the Willows, you can get support for mental health disorders, eating disorders, trauma, and substance abuse. Within our peaceful environment, you can begin your recovery. Find out how we can help by calling us today at 855.773.0614.