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What Are the Benefits of Bipolar Residential Treatment?

Experience clinician-run addiction treatment at Red Oak Recovery® in the pristine Blue Ridge Mountains

What Are the Benefits of Bipolar Residential Treatment?

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As with many physical and mental diagnoses, women and men differ when it comes to bipolar disorder. Women are often misdiagnosed because some of their bipolar symptoms differ from those of men and because of what continues to be a disparity in the understanding of women’s health. Thankfully, research is gradually catching up, and studies on women are being conducted more than in the past. The Willows at Red Oak Recovery® provides primary mental health care as well as addiction recovery treatment that focuses exclusively on women. This includes evidence-based residential bipolar disorder treatment for women.

If you are a woman with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder or who is seeking a professional diagnosis of what you suspect may be a mood disorder, such as bipolar, contact The Willows at Red Oak Recovery® to learn about the benefits of residential treatment centers for bipolar disorder. Our highly trained, professional staff is here to answer your questions. Just call 828.518.6941 or submit this easy online form to connect.

The Stigma of Bipolar Disorder

Women have unfairly faced the stigma of mental illness for centuries. In fact, women have been labeled as “hysterical,” “emotional,” or “crazy” for displaying symptoms of bipolar disorder. This has led to a lack of understanding and proper treatment for women with this condition.

The stigma surrounding bipolar disorder is harmful in many ways. It prevents women from seeking help and getting the necessary treatment they need to manage their symptoms. It also perpetuates the idea that women are weak or unstable, further contributing to gender inequalities.

However, with increased research and awareness, we can break down these stereotypes and provide better support for women with bipolar disorder. At The Willows at Red Oak Recovery®, we strive to create a safe and non-judgmental environment for women to receive the care they need.

Unique Challenges Faced by Women with Bipolar Disorder

Women also face unique challenges when it comes to receiving proper treatment for bipolar disorder. Hormonal fluctuations, such as those experienced during menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause, can trigger or exacerbate symptoms of bipolar disorder.

Additionally, women are more likely to experience certain co-occurring conditions with bipolar disorder, such as eating disorders and anxiety disorders. This requires a specialized approach to treatment that addresses all aspects of a woman’s mental health.

The Importance of Gender-Specific Treatment for Bipolar Disorder

At The Willows at Red Oak Recovery®, we understand the importance of gender-specific treatment for women with bipolar disorder. Our residential treatment program is designed specifically for women and addresses the unique challenges they face in managing their condition.

Our evidence-based therapies and individualized treatment plans are tailored to meet the specific needs of women with bipolar disorder. We also offer a supportive community of women who can relate to and understand each other’s experiences.

Bipolar Disorder Signs and Symptoms

In reputable bipolar residential treatment programs, you will be assessed by a team of mental health specialists, including a psychiatrist, who will diagnose or confirm a diagnosis of bipolar. Some of the signs of this disorder are listed below.

When you are in a depressive cycle, you may feel:

  • Hopeless
  • Exhausted
  • Irritable
  • Worthless
  • Empty
  • Guilty
  • Pessimistic
  • Unfocused

You may also experience:

  • Insomnia
  • Apathy even about once-loved things and activities
  • No appetite
  • Lack of logical thinking
  • Suicidal thoughts

The Willows is dedicated to supporting your mental health. If you are experiencing suicidal thoughts, we encourage you to reach out for immediate support through your local crisis services by dialing 988, contacting your local emergency services, or visiting your local emergency room. 

In a manic or hypo-manic phase, you may feel:

  • Elated for no reason
  • Distractible
  • Wildly energetic
  • Easily agitated
  • Grandiose

And may also:

  • Speak in a rapid, pressured manner
  • Lack of self-control and speaking or acting incautiously
  • Behave and think illogically
  • Take dangerous risks

If you have bipolar disorder, you experience more than the usual ups and downs that come with being human. Your highs and lows are troublesome to you and to your ability to function and manage daily life, though you may not realize it when depressed or in a manic state.

What to Expect in a Bipolar Residential Treatment Center

In a bipolar residential treatment program, you will receive evidence-based, intensive care in a safe setting, surrounded by supportive staff. Your treatment will include learning how to manage symptoms, coming up with effective coping strategies, and probably medication management for mood stabilization.

At The Willows at Red Oak Recovery®, you will experience the following benefits:

  • Proper diagnosis based on our understanding of how bipolar shows up in women
  • Family counseling to help you and your loved ones communicate and understand your bipolar together
  • Zero distractions from the everyday world, including work or school commitments, so that you can focus on healing
  • Evidence-based therapies such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) or dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) that will help you tackle the negative thinking that makes coping with bipolar even harder
  • Life-skills training to help you re-enter life at home
  • The support of a female peer group that personally understands your mental health journey

Leaving bipolar disorder untreated is dangerous and can lead to additional problems or become more intractable. It is never too late to start treatment, but don’t delay. You deserve to feel clear and healthy.

Contact The Willows at Red Oak Recovery® Today for Bipolar Disorder Treatment for Women

In our bipolar residential treatment center, you will be able to access therapies that support the whole person. In addition to trauma-informed psychotherapy, you can benefit from acupuncture therapy, experiential therapy, and holistic modalities that can support your healing.

We look forward to hearing from you. You don’t need to live with cycling depression and mania. Your mental health, relationships, daily life, and access to joy will all be enhanced in our residential program. Call us today at 828.518.6941 or use this online form to reach out.